Most weight loss programs totally suck. In fact, they often do more harm than good.
They teach you to fear food, make you feel bad for wanting things like ice cream or wine, and tell you you have to give up your entire social life in order to be fit. They focus on short term weight loss instead of helping you actually live a life that you love. A life where you feel confident in your own skin, comfortable putting yourself out there, and capable of being your best self.
Don’t know where to start? Are you having a hard time overcoming your fear of food? Is it a struggle each day to figure out what to do in the kitchen or gym? Are you stuck in a negative mindset and feeling frustrated? Trust me, I get it.

Whether Your Goal Is To Lose 50lbs Or You Just Want To Improve Your Health + Happiness, You Deserve To...
✅ Have a better relationship with food where you don't shame yourself for having that cookie...
✅ Be able to throw on any outfit in your closet and LOVE how you look...
✅ Have the energy to be active with your friends, family, or kids instead of worrying about slowing everyone else down...
✅ Have more fun and freedom with your friends or significant other and say YES to fun outings and beach trips instead of worrying about how uncomfortable you are...GOD forbid someone want to snap a group photo together either...
✅ Enjoy wearing your favorite summer clothes like shorts, a tank top, and a *gasp* bikini...
✅ OR enjoy wearing nothing at all because you feel sexy and confident in your own skin...
✅ Learn how to not just lose weight, but keep it off in a balanced and sustainable way you feel like you can maintain for a lifetime...
Which Is Exactly Why I Created The Happy Bod Squad.
Hi, I'm Gen, Women's Weight Loss Expert and CNC. I help career oriented women lose weight, gain confidence, create more energy so that they can advance in their career AND feel sexy and confident in their own skin.
I've coached hundreds of women and helped them ditch the diet mentality through my online coaching program, The Happy Bod Squad.
After going through my own weight loss journey of losing (and keeping off) over 50lbs, I know what it’s like to let the way you feel about your body stop you from going after what you truly want. I let my weight define my own worth when it came to my ability to be happy, have meaningful relationships, enjoy a healthy social life, and have a career that fulfills me.
I spent YEARS trying to lose weight and gain confidence, but every diet or workout program I tried was too intense, complex, restrictive, or confusing. I felt like I was being forced to choose between my happiness and my health...and that's exactly why I created the Happy Bod Squad. Now, my mission is to empower women to find happiness in their health in a way that feels easy and sustainable so you can have the BODY and LIFE you've always wanted.

What is the Happy Bod Squad™ Program?
My passion is helping women realize their full potential by teaching them to have control over their bodies and daily lives.
The Happy Bod Squad is an online coaching program, designed for women who want to transform their body and life in a balanced and sustainable way. Whether your goal is to lose 50lbs, or 15lbs, we have the systems and tools to get you where you want to go...without spending 3 hours a day in the gym and sacrificing your social life.
Who is the Happy Bod Squad For?
• Do you feel confused about the right foods to eat for your body?
• Do you feel lost about what to do to actually lose weight and keep it off?
• Do you feel frustrated when you are getting ready for work or going out with friends because you don’t feel comfortable in your clothes or confident in your own skin?
Trust me, I get it.
You probably even find yourself struggling with emotional eating at times, and constantly thinking about food - almost like you have no control....
Why does the Happy Bod Squad Work?
Because I have been in your shoes and had to overcome the same struggles as you.
I work with women to replace harmful thoughts with ones of self-love, self-respect, and self-confidence. If you’re ready to improve your self-esteem, regain control over food, and feel happy and confident in your own skin, I’ve got you! In my program...
• You can prep easy and delicious meals without spending hours in the kitchen
• You can still eat all of your favorite foods without feeling guilty
• You can feel full without restricting your calories
• You can lose weight without going to the gym 6x/week
• You can still have an amazing social life and career without sacrificing your goals

Client Results

"Life before the Happy Bod Squad felt like I was broken. I felt uncomfortable in my clothes, I was the heaviest Ive ever been, and I knew I needed help.
Now, have way more energy and feel so proud of all I have accomplished here. My clothes fit great and I’m even able to fit into jeans I never could before. The Happy Bod Squad was 100% worth the investment!!! I no longer feel broken. The coaches and community are the best group of women I have ever met. There is so much love, support and understanding here. It’s one of the most incredible experiences I’ve ever had in my life."
- Sarah B.

“When I started the Happy Bod Squad, I was borderline overweight, I felt like crap, and I didn’t know how to change.
In 1 year I have lost 30lbs, gained muscles I never had, discovered my love of health and fitness, and found confidence in myself I never had. I know how to actually eat things nutritious for my body, love exercising, and am way more confident! I even used this new found confidence to negotiate a 30% raise at work!
Joining Gen's Gym completely changed my life and I'm so grateful I did it.”
- Kaitlin L.

"I'M SO FREAKING EXCITED!!!!! I lost 40lbs in 12 months within the Happy Bod Squad! Also lost almost 10 inches on my waist. I finally feel hot and confident in my body! The biggest win for me is how much better my relationship with food has become.
I feel like my life has opened up so much honestly and that a huge mental weight has been lifted.I have so much more fun living in the moment at events and wearing clothes I used to believe were off limits. PLUS I love looking back at my wedding photos and LOVING how I looked and felt.
- Claire P.

"In 12 months I lost 50lbs and 4 pant sizes inside the Happy Bod Squad. I really have gained my life back because of all the shifts physically, mentally and energetically.
I have more energy. I'm not tired when I wake up anymore. I don't the get afternoon slumps I used to. I will take pictures with people now and actually love them instead of thinking 'oh I hate this.'
I'm so glad I committed to this journey for myself and my health!
- Janine

"Coming in to the Happy Bod Squad, my goal was to lose weight, get more toned, eat more healthy foods, go out to eat less, have more energy and feel more confident.
After 6 months in the HBS, I've lost weight and inches, I'm able to lift more weight, know how to track my food, and I've completed every workout assigned to me! I have more energy, l'm getting better sleep, have less cravings and am eating out less. All these changes make me feel stronger and more confident! I can even do 15 full pushups!
By far the most valuable part of the program was the accountability and support.
- Haley H.

“Before the HBS I had the mindset of all or nothing. If I wasn't eating healthy 100% of the time then I would just eat crappy with the idea in my head that I would start another weight loss program later on.
After HBS, I have increased confidence and have built a better relationship with food. I feel stronger and healthier, with more energy for playing with my kids.
Having an amazing coach and community to help me through this part of my life journey has been invaluable. Gen has created an amazing program to help women with the foundations needed to live a healthy and meaningful life.”
- Malayka Y.

"Before joining the HBS I was mentally drained and felt constantly sick from all of the gross food I kept putting into my body that I thought I needed to de-stress. Thanks to the HBS I can’t remember the last time I stress ate!
During the program, I lost 20 pounds, but more importantly my old clothes are fitting again and I can’t wait to see where the next year takes me! This year I’m looking to make this health journey a more integral and permanent part of my life instead of just this “thing” I'm doing right now."
- Jessica L.

"Before joining the Happy Bod Squad I was on diet after diet after diet. I was really hard on myself for gaining weight even though I was trying all these things to lose weight.
I lost 25lbs in 6 months and over 20" around my body! I have never felt this good in my life.
I feel like what made the program different to me was having actual humans listening to what was happening with my body, my schedule and what I was able to stick to. It was so much more personal having something truly tailored to me and something I could actually stick to versus a generic app."
- Megan B.

"During my time in the HBS I lost 30lbs!
I have an amazing relationship with food now. I no longer make myself feel guilty about any of the food I eat. Literally, I eat ice cream and drink wine on the reg while still losing weight. I am able to live my life and lose weight because I have shifted my mindset from restrictive and self-deprecating to having discipline and realism with my food in a self-loving way.
Gen is amazing and truly there for you and she truly cares about you and your journey."
- Stephanie H.

"This is the first program I have done that was both nutrition, fitness and 1-1 accountability based. The biggest difference I noticed between this and other programs is that the HBS is altered to you specifically.
The HBS helped me create structure in my life. I say yes to more things. I am able to enjoy weekends. I spend more time outside or with friends. I no longer just want to watch tv and disassociate. I have opened up to people in my personal relationships, and allowed myself to be more vulnerable. I take more risks, and live more in the moment. The HBS is an amazing experience, a great investment to make in yourself. I wish I would’ve done it sooner, but glad I joined when I did.
- Laura P.

“I have been told by dozens of people how much happier, healthier, and vibrant I seem. I feel AMAZING in my clothes, and all of the clothes that I was aiming to fit back into are TOO SMALL!
I have let go of all the stress and anxiety that I had around health/exercise/nutrition because I KNOW that I am making the healthiest choices for myself and crave healthy foods and working out.
- Becca B.

"I lost about 40 pounds and 42 inches in the year that I was in HBS! I went from a 2XL to a M/L in clothes. I feel so much stronger and more confident than ever before. I feel capable of achieving my goals for the first time ever. I think I always believed I could achieve them, I just didn’t know how. HBS gave me the strategy to go and make my dreams happen.
The high level support and accountability makes Gen’s Gym different from anything I’ve ever done. I am so incredibly thankful for the HBS, Gen for creating it, the coaches for their guidance and support, and the whole community for how much they encouraged me.
- Riley S.

1-1 Coaching
One of the biggest reasons people give up on their goals is because they don't have a detailed strategy or the accountability to make sure the stay consistent after the first few weeks. In the HBS we provide daily 1-1 support and coaching as well as weekly community calls and a 1-1 zoom call every two weeks.
Whether you have a question about your workouts or you just need someone to tell you to put the cookies down...we gotchu. We provide same day response M-F along with weekly checkins so that you receive support you need, in real time, order to progress quickly and effectively.

VIP Community
Get connected with other ladies who are just as invested in their health journey as you are. Receive 24/7 access to the Happy Bod Squad Community on Skool. Weight loss can feel really scary and lonely at times....which is exactly why we connect you with other likeminded women on the exact journey as you.
In addition to having access to Gen and our Expert Coaching Staff, you will be connected to other women also on their health journey. Our Happy Bod Squad Community is a safe space for you to share your struggles, seek and give support, and celebrate your wins. We've found, when you are a part of something bigger than yourself, success skyrockets. No more feeling like you have to do this alone.

Custom Workout Plan
Whether you want to workout at home or the gym, we will create a customized plan that allows you to shed fat and build feminine curves ...without spending 3 hours a day in the gym. In fact, most clients only workout 3-4x/week and are still losing fat and gaining lean muscle! Workouts are delivered through the exclusive Gen's Gym App, placed into a calendar which accommodates your work and personal commitments, provides video examples of each exercise AND where you have to checkin for your workouts, so we know whether or not you are doing them, haha.

Custom Nutrition Plan
Following our signature framework, the Freedom Eating Method, we will teach you how to hit your goals without heavily restricting your calories. Together, we will create a detailed nutrition plan that fits in to your lifestyle and helps you reach your goals. Our goal is to make this as easy as possible for you so we will tell you what to eat, how to prepare it, and how to fit in your favorite foods! The Gen's Gym Recipe Library comes with 100's of healthy recipe options, complete with macro information so we can make sure you are hitting your goals.

Mindset Course
Not only will we show you what to do, but we will teach you WHY it's important and HOW to do it consistently. As your coach, my job is not only to make you look good, but to help you FEEL great. So, we will also teach you how to feel happier, more confident, and show you how to have fun while losing weight so that you can love your body AND your life.
The Happy Bod Squad Comes with 14 Modules focused on helping you create a better relationship with food, your body, your mind, and exercise. We do this by demystifying diet culture and weight loss gimmicks.
1. Fill out a Coaching Application
Due to overwhelming interest, spots for coaching are limited. We get the best results for our clients, and have to be selective with the women we work with. Therefore, in order to work together, you need to apply and let us know how serious you are about transforming your life.
2. Phone Interview
If your application is approved, myself or a member of my team will reach out to book a call. We will discuss your current situation, obstacles and goals you have and
how we can help you bridge this gap. We will help you determine what YOU need in order to be successful.
3. Acceptance
If you are accepted into the program, you will be invited to join right away! No more delaying your goals. Please only apply for this program and hop on a call with us if you are ready to take action. This is not for those who want free advice or to 'dip their toes in the water.'

Gen Coco
NASM Certified Nutrition Coach, Women's Weight Loss Expert, and NLP Master Practitioner
After struggling with my weight and body image my entire life, I truly felt like I would never be able to lose weight and be healthy or happy. After years of self doubt and self loathing, I decided it was time to educate myself on what it TRULY meant to be healthy. I learned everything I could about health and fitness and had to unlearn all of the past diet culture myths I used to believe. I was able to lose 50lbs naturally, without any weird gimmicks. I know what it takes to get results, and it isn’t just “eat less, move more,” like your mom says.
By breaking the emotional eating addiction and replacing it with my nutrition, fitness & mindset foundation for the Happy Bod Squad, together we destroy the self-abuse and rebuild with the powerful body (and spirit) you’ve always craved. I learned the key to happiness in health was loving yourself towards healthy instead of hating yourself towards skinny.
Because it isn’t just about how you look…. It’s about how the world looks to you. And making you feel like you’re on top of it is my specialty.
Coach Alanna
B.S. Exercise Science and Nutrition, Certified in Fitness Leadership, Certified Integrative Nutrition Health + Life Coach (INHC), Certified in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Certified Women's Hormone Health Coach (IIN)
My athletic background playing high level hockey in Canada allowed me to transform my love for physical fitness into a career focused on holistic wellness and lifestyle transformation. This has given me opportunities to work alongside elite athletes and women who are looking to regain their self confidence through prioritizing a healthy, balanced lifestyle. I have proudly worked in the wellness industry for 14+ years and started my coaching journey in January 2015. I am a firm believer in the power of small, lasting changes that support overall wellbeing, and I find true passion in helping clients embrace a balanced life filled with vitality, confidence, and resilience. Through a custom prepared game plan, mindfulness practices, and lifestyle adjustments, I empower my clients to jump in the driver’s seat and finally take control of their health.
Outside of coaching, I am a dedicated dog mom and love to travel the world with my husband. I come from a family of confident, driven and powerful women who have all helped me blossom into who I am today.

Coach Rio
NASM certified personal trainer. PN Master Health & Nutrition Coach, practitioner of NLP, Behavior Change Expert, PN Certified Sleep, Stress & Body Recovery Specialist.
Having spent the past decade immersed in the health and fitness industry as a whole, I’ve began specializing in women’s holistic health through weight loss & lifestyle change. I help clients achieve a transformation that’s meaningful from the inside out—building both a healthy body and a resilient mind.
I have a special place in my heart for those who feel misled by traditional diet industry protocols that often promise fast results but fail to deliver lasting health. I’m also passionate about supporting individuals aiming to improve their health as a defense against disease and physical ailments. I have had numerous tragic familial health experiences that have created this permanent fixture in my heart to lead others into their strongest healthiest selves.
One of my guiding philosophies is: *“Your health is your biggest life responsibility.“* Because where would you truly be without it? The work that I do is my forever contribution to society.

Coach Shannon
Certified Fitness and Nutrition Coach, ISSA Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Binge Eating Specialist, Disordered Food Addiction Specialist, Certified Food Addiction Professional, Certified Integrative Nutrition Specialist, 26+ Years of Experience
I have coached women to achieve their goals for over 20 years as a personal trainer, fitness competition coach, and nutrition specialist.
Body image has always been a struggle for me since my late teenage years as a track athlete and professional ballet dancer. I was striving to be "perfect" by starving myself. When I was in my mid 20s, I got into the fitness/bodybuilding competition world. Although I did win several championship titles, it was at a great cost: no social life, ruining my metabolism, and developing new eating disorders and body image issues. At the age of 40, I finally retired from competing and regained my life through my faith in God and making health my priority over how I looked. I love being able to educate women on the balance of healthy eating and proper exercise, but doing it in a way that reflects self-love and empowerment. I am honored and privileged to be part of this amazing team of coaches who all believe in doing just that.

Coach Ariel
Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, Certified Mastery Method Life Coach
I’ve worked in the fitness industry for 7 years as a PT, kickboxing instructor and online health & fitness coach. I specialize in fat loss, body recomp, performance based nutrition and macro coaching. My goal for clients is to help them reach THEIR peak physique and performance while feeling stronger and more confident in their skin and taking up space in the weight room. To me, the goal of being healthy + fit is to experience MORE of life, not less of it. I love when clients see all the work they do inside the gym enhance their daily activities outside the gym.
I have a foundation's first approach and believe simple, sustainable + nailing the basics gets the best results. My goal is always to empower you with education, skills + support to achieve your goals + sustain them for life! Outside the gym you can catch me at the beach or a local coffee shop.

Coach Ayla
Certified Personal Trainer (PT), Registered Holistic Nutritionist (RHN), and Registered Orthomolecular Health Practitioner (ROHP)
As a competitive athlete growing up,I have always had a passion for the health and wellness industry. From a young age I dove into any opportunity that allowed me to challenge my body both physically and mentally. I grew up with a strong presence in competitive sports. Soccer, swimming, marathon running, triathlons, anything that challenged both my body and mind. This served as an aggregate to my desire to better understand how to support the body from a holistic perspective.
After understanding how unique and important our bodies are, I decided to further my education in holistic nutrition where I actively learned to understand bio-individual needs through a holistic lens.
With 10+ years in the nutrition and fitness industry, I strongly believe that everyone is unique and as a result deserves to be understood as so.
Coach Angela
NASM Certified Personal Trainer, Precision Nutrition Certified Coach, AFPA Certified Prenatal and Postpartum Fitness Specialist
I have been helping people create a healthier lifestyle that is both fulfilling and sustainable for the past 9 years. Growing up, I struggled with body image and was constantly stuck in the yo-yo dieting cycle. When I found the gym and how good it felt to be strong, it completely changed my mindset on how I viewed myself and what I was capable of. After having my daughter, my passion became teaching other women how to build a healthier mindset, consistent habits, and self-love in order to achieve their goals.
As a mother and a military wife, I understand how easy it is to put your health and goals on the back burner; my mission in life is to educate women on how to properly fuel their body in a way that is not restrictive or shame-based, to show them that exercise can be FUN and not a form of punishment, and to empower them to live fully and unapologetically as strong, confident women in every facet of their lives.

Vali H.
I am SO excited to help women discover their love for themselves again through the amazing transformational program the Happy Bod Squad offers women around the world.
After a successful career in corporate sales spanning 25 years, I decided to follow my passion and help women discover the joy of fitness, connection with other women, and just joy of life through riding bikes.
Some people are influencers, I am a connector. I connect people with people and solutions. In 2014, as a member of the inaugural Trek Women’s Advocate Program, I developed rides and programs which helped women become more self-sufficient and confident in everything related to road and mountain bikes. At that same time, Hammer Nutrition asked me to become a Fueling Expert, and travel to various retail locations to educate riders and triathletes about their products, so I added that to my new career! It was love at first connection… I paired the fueling with the confidence and abilities on bikes, and built a great community of women who raced, rode, and just had fun together!

Litzza Z.
Joining Gen's Gym gave me the push I needed to get into my own fitness journey.
One thing about me is, I can be such a girly girl. I love rom coms, reality tv shows about finding love, Taylor Swift and the list goes on. So to me, I figured life for a woman was about having a career that helped others and building a love that grows into a family one day. I mean, I never saw Cinderella lifting weights, right?
But now, getting into fitness has felt like magic. It has brought me so much energy, confidence, strength, and self love. I have always loved helping others through my work and hearing the stories of the women wanting to commit to their health journey once and for all truly inspires me.
Because of this, I dedicated my life to a career that gave me the opportunity to guide clients to the solution they need and I am so honored to interview prospective clients and help be the catalyst and first step to their transformation for life!

Maddie M.
I grew up playing competitive lacrosse, playing as a D1 athlete and international teammate for team Israel. When my athletic career came to an end, I found a passion for expanding my fitness and health habits in new ways.
I experienced such drastic changes within my own health journey after becoming part of Gen’s Gym. ​I find it so fulfilling to be guiding women in the right direction towards their health goals. All of the clients and team members in the Gen’s Gym community define what it is to be a GIRL BOSS through their hard work, dedication, and overwhelming support for one another.
The support that Gen and the coaching and enrollment team provide is nothing short of incredible. I am so grateful to be a part of this team!

Christine S.
After being diagnosed with Lupus at the age of 22, I questioned everything I knew about healthy eating. I grew up eating the traditional diet, and was active up until how could I get sick?
After years of being on up to 12 medications a day, I made the decision to focus on living a healthy lifestyle that was full of nutritious foods and cultivating a growth mindset. After a few months of following this lifestyle, my symptoms were in remission! Even so, I still struggled with consistency and feeling confident in my own skin.
It wasn’t until I joined Gens Gym and became a client of the Happy Bod Squad, that I was able to finally break the mental and physical barriers that have been holding me back all these years. I can finally look in the mirror and be proud of the woman looking back at me - no matter what comes my way. I’m so grateful to not only be a client of Gens but also apart of the team!